Our Services
New Tandem Services
Do you want to know how we can help you? Then you are in the right place. Among New Tandem services, you will find all the Human Resources solutions that your company needs, in addition to having a team that is close and attentive to your needs. We offer consulting services in Madrid, Barcelona and also in the rest of Spain. Surely you want the best HR professionals by your side. You just have to rely on New Tandem’s more than 20 years of experience and the dozens of customers who already work with us.
Temporary work
NewTandem ETT is specialised in providing integral temporary contracting solutions. We carry out massive recruitment for contact center, administrative and commercial profiles, and we also provide workers for temporary projects and substitutions.
Areas of expertise: Contact center – Administrative – Financial – IT within the national and international scope We have experience both nationally and internationally. Whether with SMEs or large companies.
Are you looking for ETT services in Madrid, Barcelona or other cities in Spain? Get to know us.

Headhunting & selection
NewTandem Consulting is specialised in talent selection and recruitment. The communication with our clients is key, so we collaborate with them in all phases of the process, from the development and definition of the profile you need to the incorporation of the candidate.
We also carry out direct search and competency-based assessment for executive and middle management profiles.
We do direct search and evaluation by competences for managerial profiles and also intermediate managers. Areas of expertise: Financial – Banking – Insurance – IT – Engineering – Marketing – Pharmaceutical – Retail
Looking for the best talent available for your business? Then we are here to help you to achieve it.
EOR Services: Outsourcing
EOR Services is the HR solution for foreign clients in Spain, managing the global contracting process so they can introduce and expand their business in this country. Do you want to expand your business and have the best workers living in Spain? Then trust our team; pioneer in EOR services in Spain. Hire the professionals you need without having to establish your company in our country. While saving time and money.

Coaching and Training
Executive coaching helps companies develop full potential of its members, while implementing improvement plans that are aligned with executive objectives, while strengthening leadership and interpersonal relationships.
Training services offered include leadership, teamwork, negotiation techniques and also team relations.
NewTandem adapts to the different necessities of each company and therefore provides effective solutions for their progress and success.
Surveys on organizational climate
The organizational climate is a fundamental factor in relation to employee satisfaction and productivity. For that reason, surveys on organizational climate are effective tools in measuring workers´ perspectives around organization, and in detecting improvement opportunities.
At NewTandem we offer personalized organizational climate surveys. Our expert team will help you design and administer the survey providing a detailed report with advice on how to improve organizational climate. This includes guidance and backing through the whole process of implementation of positive actions.