How can I change my career path?

change career path

The reasons to turn around your career can be very diverse. Either because you have lost your job, because you want to try something different, because you aspire for a higher salary or just because you feel you have fulfilled your mission doing what you do right now, there are big chances you will, at some point of your life, think about a change in your career path.

As it happens with every important change, you will possibly be afraid of uncertainty at first, and also very lost. That’s why New Tandem wants to give you some advice to successfully change careers.

How to prepare for your new work life

The first step just consists on stopping to think. Think about what you are looking for, also about what you want to avoid in this new chapter in your life. Take stock concerning your abilities as well as your weaknesses. Consider which opportunities, from a realistic point of view, you have of working in the sector you are thinking of. Whether it is in a sector you already know or in one you have no experience in.

Once you have concretized a bit more your way, you can start to work towards it. Renewing your CV to make it more attractive and adapted to these days could be a good first step. You can also invest in your personal brand. Creating or, if you already have one, professionalizing your Linkedin profile can also open some doors for you in your new ‘adventure’. It is also crucial to train yourself in the field you have interest in. You can do so through free courses, reading about the sector, listening to podcasts, or, if you can, contacting people with knowledge in the area that can advise and inform you before you ‘step into the water’.

When you feel prepared and trained to exercise the career change you wished, it’s a good moment to prepare a strategy. Set yourself objectives in a short-medium term that you are able to achieve and an action plan that allows you to keep growing and adapting in a progressive way.

Changing career paths is hardly an easy task. But it’s not an impossible one. Following your guidelines and making an effort are the ways of making of this journey one to be enjoyed and whose end is your own personal and professional satisfaction.

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