How and where to find jobs online

find a job online

Among all the possible ways to search for a job, using Internet has become the most extended and used one in the recent years. Finding an occupation by looking inside newspapers or handing out CVs in establishments looks very good in movies, but is certainly demode. So, as Internet supposes big opportunities, we need to be able to seize them properly. We want to tell you how you should do it and where to go so you can find a job online.

Make the best of every detail to sell yourself

Searching for jobs online is easy and fast. One of the best advantages the Internet offers is the efficacy and quickness with which you can find exactly the kind of position you are looking for. But, also, the accessibility from every corner of the world to positions far from where you are, and the huge quantity of job offers you can find are big pros.

Nonetheless, you should bear in mind that you will need to pass some filters until your potential employer sees you face to face (or through a videocall). Thus, you need to seize every chance you get to shine more than other candidates.

Your personal brand is crucial. How to build it? Optimize and complete your information in your social network profiles; especially in those related to work, like Linkedin. Update your resume, ask for recommendation letters from your previous bosses, use professional pictures if you can… And, above all, think of what the rest is not doing. Why not creating a blog? Or a YouTube channel? Of course, it all depends on your characteristics and what you are looking for; either way, showing initiative and differentiating yourself from the rest will always increase your possibilities.

Some of the best websites to find a job

Naturally, the vastness of the Internet can become a problem if not managed correctly. In such a big sea, we need to know where to swim. So we don’t waste time, and, especially, so we don’t lose ourselves.

Due to that, we recommend the best websites and job portals where you will likely find your next work adventure.

  • Infojobs. It’s the most used and well-known portal by users searching for work. Currently, more than a million people use it in Spain. Infojobs gives the user one of the vastest offer of job posts, alongside with the chance of using more than one CV, and seeing and controlling all the applications in your profile. It also suggests job offers according to your preferences.
  • Linkedin. The professional social network has also become in recent years, an ideal place to find a job. With time, more and more companies have started publishing their job offers; besides, Linkedin offers the opportunity of seeing the available jobs in the company you decide (as long as it has a Linkedin page, which is very common). The chance of connecting with the person handling your application and sending them a message is another one of the pros of this website.
  • Indeed. More than a job portal, this is a job search engine. The difference with Google is that Indeed search exclusively for job posts. It’s one of the best places where you can try your luck; you’ll be joining more than 100 million people worldwide.
  • Iberempleos. This job portal is focused on working opportunities in Spain. If offers a well-designed private area for candidates, and it offers the users a blog related to the news of the HR sector. Iberempleos’ most interesting difference is that it allows you to search for training courses as well as job offers.

Aside from these websites, we encourage you to take a look at the job posts we publish in New Tandem. There are new offers each week, which give you the possibility to work in different sectors, such as Finance, Insurance, Engineering or IT. We hope you have a clearer way to find a new job online. If you wish to receive other Training advice, visit our blog.

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