International Day for Tolerance – 16th of November

International Day for Tolerance

“Two plus two being necessarily four is an opinion much of us share. But if someone truly believes otherwise, he must say so. Here, nothing astonishes us”. In this curious way, Antonio Machado seemed to want to tell us how he believed in diversity as a natural event. Human beings’ freedom to think, express, and directly be, can sometimes become something difficult to understand for others. That is why, each 16th of November, since 1996, International Day for Tolerance is celebrated worldwide. A day impulsed by UN to reach understanding among different cultures and people.

In an era when radicalism and extremism are becoming more and more common in society, violence against people who think differently is, unfortunately, exercised frequently. Tolerance depends on justice, respect and the rejection for discrimination and marginalization. Some values that might seem very basic but we forget many times.

To fight intolerance, and thus, guarantee the accomplishment of Human Rights, it is necessary to have in mind a set of crucial conditions. First of all, the existence of a legal framework that ensures the compliance of those Human Rights and an active intention from a legal perspective to end violence and other forms of intolerance. Also, an education that teaches to respect and comprehend what is unknown and diverse. Of course, it’s also necessary to guarantee the freedom of press, so citizens can receive information without constraints. It is also fundamental to develop an individual conscience as human beings to respect others as similar to us. And, to put in practice everything said before, local solutions are essential in order to complement the global action against intolerance.

Awarded for promoting respect and tolerance

Besides organizing this International Day for Tolerance, UN hands, since 1995, the UNESCO-Madanjeet Singh Award. A recognition of tolerance and no violence exercised by people or institutions. In 2020, the award has been conceded to the Conflict Resolutions Center in Democratic Republic of Congo. An NGO that has been saving kids from militias and showing different tribes to live in peace for a decade.

Tolerance, essential also at work

At New Tandem we believe tolerance is crucial, not only at work but in every aspect of life. We have been making of respect and understanding between people a way of working for more than 20 years. Moreover, this year, the first of our ten contributions to SDGs was related with providing fair and safe work conditions for all of our employees. We think respect and tolerance are key to keep the dignity every worker deserves.

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